Imitate God
We become whatever we spend most time doing. We believe that Jesus is more concerned with who we are rather than what we do. Who we are will determine what we do and what we do only reveals who we are. Are we a replication of the word or the world? Do we represent Jesus well or is there a place for us to work on that? Finding a relationship with Jesus in this fragmented world will show that He alone can truly satisfy our needs.
Carry on His Ministry
We love people best when we love God most, and we believe our love for God fuels our love for others. To love like Jesus is to have an overwhelming sense of compassion for those who are “like sheep without a shepherd.” Jesus spoke of a newer and greater commandment which speaks of a love for God and a love for others.
Become Like Him in the Process
Our environment has a profound impact on who we become. If you pay attention, you can see that we become a composite of the people we hang out with, the music we like, and the news sources we consume. It is the prayer of this church that Jesus would fill every aspect of our lives. Every person made in God's image has an inherent need to know how much Jesus loves them. When Jesus calls us into a relationship, he tells us to follow him and leave everything else behind.